Archive for the ‘web’ Category

How does work?

The root site at is some PHP scripts I haven’t changed in 8 years, and the /blog site is running a stock WordPress instance installed with 1-click via cPanel X and Fantastico De Luxe. I have email forwarding to my GMail through cPanel. My hosting is through . I’ve had Sublemon on UltraSURGE […]

Stop Heroku cycling your app out of memory in 2 clicks

Visit , fill in your site URL and email address, and click “Start monitoring your site.”

How-to: Pure-Tomcat Comet Chat

Last semester I built a web-based research game for my internship that involves live multi-player interaction, runs on Tomcat, and lives in an eApps VM. It also uses Comet instead of traditional polling. You can visit an in-development build of the game (v2 is not quite complete) here and see the the Java source here. […]

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